Pontoon Trailer Rental

Pontoon Trailer Rental – $25 for 2 hours

Have you ever seen the pontoon trailer at the boat landing and wondered who it belongs to? It belongs to the Long Lake Property Owners Association. This year, they have kindly extended the opportunity for Des Moines Lake Association members to rent the trailer for putting pontoon boats into the lake. 

They hope that having a trailer dedicated only for Long Lake and Des Moines Lakes will help reduce the potential for the spread of zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species into our lakes. 

There is a $25 donation that will go to the Long Lake Association for a two hour use of the trailer. 

The trailer will be limited to local travel, dues paying association members only, and for use only on Long Lake or Des Moines Lake.

Please contact Mark Michel at 715-281-8953 to schedule a two hour time block for trailer use.